The only surety of the British coastline is that it will look different in an hour’s time. Weather rolls in and out, tides ebb and flow. It means the colours of our coast are an ever-changing palette, from stormy dark greys and bruised yellows to palest watery aqua. Indeed, J. M. W. Turner, probably the most famous seascape painter of all time, worked from a palette that included cobalt blue, ultramarine, Prussian blue and inky indigo, alongside the sea green of viridian and a smattering of reds and oranges.

Such a palette was also the starting point for our spring 2024 colour inspiration, which sees our new creamy Orkney White (inspired by the white sands of the Hebrides) and classic warm Salt shades balanced with the soft blue of Alpine and relaxing Sage green, the khaki tones of Lead Light and the darker drama of Walnut. And the finishing touch: a mere hint of spicy red Paprika or ochre-toned Saffron. An interior’s palette even Turner might have approved of.